Reprinted with permission from Resource Recycling magazine February 2020 issue.
A Plan for Reinvigoration
Co-authored by:
Matt Naud, Senior Associate Consultant, RRS
Matt Flechter, Recycling Market Development Specialist, Michigan EGLE
Elisa Seltzer, Senior Consultant, RRS
From the article…
Growing Michigan’s recycling rate to 45% would result in an additional 2.7 million tons of recovery from the estimated 8.8 million tons of Michigan-generated municipal solid waste that is currently landfilled or incinerated. Some of the most compelling data supporting increased recycling is seen in the benefits to Michigan’s economy. Using economic impact modeling, the recycling, reuse and recovery sector (RRR) would add over $33.8 billion to Michigan’s economy if the state’s recycling rate grew to 45%, with over $9 billion in added labor income. In fact, in achieving the 45% recycling rate goal, the Michigan RRR sector would edge out the transportation and tourism sectors, two of the 10 largest contributors to Michigan’s economy.
Download the full article: A Plan for Reinvigoration