Integrated solid waste management (ISWM) services – including curbside waste, recycling, organics recovery, and drop-off sites – are a set of public services of growing importance. Many local governments are considering adding or enhancing these services. RRS has developed a set of directional tools, funded by EPA Region 5 and in conjunction with the Michigan Recycling Coalition, to help local governments in IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, and WI to gain a better understanding of financial and management-related implications of recycling and organics recovery programs.

ISWM Directional Spreadsheet Tool Funding and Accounting Handbook
This Excel-based tool provides directional insight for local governments by comparing the costs and impacts of various recycling and organics program scenarios.   The guide provides a rundown of solid waste management funding mechanisms, an overview of full cost accounting (FCA), and step-by-step instructions on how to gather and compile the appropriate materials so that you can utilize FCA in your community.

The DEMO versions of the tools are available here for download. Please note that these versions are in development and final versions of the tools will be made available at the September 15, 2022 virtual workshop. To learn more about the virtual workshop and to register to attend, please visit the Workshop Registration Page.

Please provide the following information. Once you click on Submit & Download, you will be redirected to a new webpage where you can download the PDF and Excel files.

  • Enter your two-letter state abbreviation
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.