With the unknown and varied timing of reopening different locations here in the U.S. and around the world, we are all learning to work differently during this time.
We understand you still have projects to move forward, industry impacts to respond to, and various other initiatives that don’t stop for anything.
RRS is offering virtual learning sessions where our experts virtually meet with your team to provide the latest info on recycling, composting, and sustainability related subjects. Think of these sessions as the next generation of the lunch-and-learn.
Virtual learning topics are endless, but here are a few to inspire you:
- Recycling and Waste Trends
- Understanding Food Grade Standards for Plastics
- Implementing Food Grade Standards for Plastics Reclamation
- Municipal Contracting with Haulers and MRFs
- EPR and Policy Direction in North America
- Intergovernmental Collaborations
- Chemical Recycling
- Communication Best Practices
- Pyrolysis in Depth
- Implementing Food Grade Plastic Reclamation Line
- Funding Mechanisms for Local Recycling/Diversion Programs
- Building a Downtown Recycling Scenario
- Landfill 101
- Advanced Recycling Technologies
- Implementing Circular Solutions
- and more!
In addition to offering private virtual learning sessions, RRS is partnering with organizations to provide the latest info via webinars.
This is a platform that allows you to convey key information to a large audience. RRS has the technology, moderating, and promotional support to connect you with your stakeholders. Additionally, RRS can provide content based on our research and data – keeping your audience up to date and moving forward during this time.
You may have seen a few of the partner-webinars RRS has participated in (check out a few on our YouTube channel). Subjects include:
- Implementing Circular Economies
- Impacts of COVID-19 (Business Resources, Recycling Safety, etc.)
- Recycling and Waste Trends
- …the possibilities are endless – contact us!