Accelerating Circularity

Accelerating Circularity

The article "Accelerating Circularity" by Keira Higgins and Elisa Seltzer of RRS explores the pivotal role of the NextCycle program in advancing a circular economy, particularly in managing and recycling plastics. Highlighting the complexity of plastics and the challenges they pose, the article delves into how NextCycle supports businesses and communities by providing technical expertise, partnerships, and investment opportunities.

With a focus on innovation, the program has successfully launched in Colorado, Michigan, and Washington, aiding 107 participants in addressing plastic pollution through diverse, actionable solutions. From supporting startups like Glacier with AI-driven sorting technologies to partnering with established organizations like Goodwill and HydroBlox to repurpose postconsumer plastics, NextCycle is laying the groundwork for a sustainable and circular future for plastics.

“NextCycle is helping drive circular solutions for plastics as well as other materials by pairing innovative solutions and development with the appropriate investments.”

Written by:

Keira Higgins, RRS Consultant

Elisa Seltzer, RRS Senior Consultant

Keira Higgins in a floral shirt talking to a NextCycle participant

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