Michigan Scrap Tire Program Study Finds Opportunities in New Markets

Michigan Scrap Tire Program Study Finds Opportunities in New Markets

The 2020 Scrap Tire Market Development Study, funded by a grant through the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), is now available on the EGLE webpage.

The study, conducted by RRS, indicates that tire-derived fuel markets are decreasing and that the state must look at new markets. To address this, RRS made nine recommendations, including increasing the use of rubber-modified asphalt and strengthening industry relationships to build a high-impact circular tire economy collaborative. In addition to rubber-modified asphalt and rubberized chip seal, other ideas showing development potential include using tire-derived aggregate and porous pavement.

The market study directory, organized by state, provides a concise listing of Michigan and Midwest service providers ranging from collectors, transporters, processors to companies that generate end-use products.


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