Closed Loop Partners Releases Interactive, Data Visualization Tool
With over 250 brands and retailers committing to increase use of recycled content in products and packaging, Closed Loop Partners (CLP) found that the current supply of recycled plastics meets just 6% of demand for the most common plastics in the U.S. and Canada. Currently US and Canada are capturing only 18% of packaging for recycling and sending 11.5 metric tons of plastic packaging to the landfill each year.
CLP released an interactive, data visualization tool that breaks down the volumes of plastics by type and the flows by country, state and province. The analysis and tool was developed by CLP with support from RRS and The Recycling Partnership. The map highlights the critical opportunities to recapture valuable plastics and re-incorporate them into manufacturing supply chains.
Explore the Map: US & Canada Recycling Infrastructure & Plastic Waste Map